I-CARE HL7 Links

Before you start using I-CARE HL7 interface you need to Enroll to I-CARE

After the Enrollment, you can apply for new HL7 credentials. Please send an email to DPH.HL7ICARE@illinois.gov
to obtain either a sFTP or Web Service credentials. Include your Organization Name, Address, and VFC PIN #
(VFC providers only) to help identify your organization in I-CARE.
Specify if you need a sFTP or Web Service credentials. Your EHR vendor can help identify which account is needed.

How to use sFTP to upload HL7 Files

How to use WebService for HL7 bi-directional interface with ICARE

How to check uploaded TEST patients for detail testing of HL7 interface with ICARE

I-CARE HL7 Onboarding Guide

I-CARE HL7 Onboarding Readiness Checklist

I-CARE HL7 Specs

I-CARE HL7 Errors List

I-CARE HL7 Vaccine Conversion Table

I-CARE HL7 Codes

CDC Implementation Specs for HL7 version 2.5.1

CDC IIS Health Level 7 (HL7) Implementation Guides