How to Upload HL7 files using sFTP in I-CARE

sFTP Upload Methods

There are 3 methods to send HL7 files using sFTP:

1.   Your EHR system has a sFTP connection that can automatically upload HL7 files to the I-CARE sFTP server.

Please contact your EHR vendor with this information:

Host Name:
Port:           22
User Name:      username (usually starts with 777)
Password:       usually sent by email from IDPH
Directory:      /Distribution/DPH/ICAREHL7EXCHANGE/

Your EHR vendor will set up the sFTP transfers for your EHR system.  

2. Set up an sFTP client on your computer system to automatically transfer HL7 files to the I-CARE sFTP servers. There are free sFTP clients, such as WinSCP or FileZilla that are available for download from the internet.


3. Use the Illinois ‘Move It’ web application at to securely transfer HL7 files to the I-CARE sFTP servers. A separate account is needed to use Move It.

How to use Move It to send HL7 files to I-CARE:

Enter your Move It Username and Password. Click the 'Sign On’ button.


Click on 'Folders’.


Click the 'Distribution' Folder.


Click the 'DPH' Folder.


 Click the 'ICAREHL7EXCHANGE' Folder.


Click on the ‘Upload Files’ button on the far right.


Click on ‘Browse’ to select files(s) or Drop file(s) here. 


After files are selected click ‘Upload’.


Verify the file(s) uploaded correctly to the ICAREHL7EXCHANGE folder.


Your uploaded immunization data should be available in I-CARE within 10 minutes.


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